Volunteering at the North American Bear Center

The North American Bear Center is proud to be supported by a robust volunteer program that is integral to our mission and educating the world about black bears. Since we offer both on-site and virtual volunteer opportunities, we have volunteers all over the world! No matter your location worldwide, you can be involved and make a difference.

Bear care, program assistance, small animal care, essential maintenance, running live cameras and special projects are just some of the things our volunteers help us accomplish. Our volunteers typically have a passion for the outdoors, nature, animals, and of course bears! Whether you are knowledgeable about bears or not, we are happy to teach you and get you ready to help teach others about black bears and spread our mission.

How to become a volunteer?

  1. Fill out the volunteer application below and submit it. We will automatically receive your responses.
  2. Send an email to info@bear.org with the subject line “New Volunteer Application”. Please put your name and the date you filled out the application form in the email. We will respond with the status of your application.
  3. Upon acceptance of the application, we will schedule a virtual interview (or in-person if applicable) with you to better understand how you can support our center and its mission. We will also determine whether the individual applicant would be a good fit at our organization.
  4. After considering your application and interview, we will reach out to notify you of how you could best help our center and mission. We will also set up orientation and training dates at this time or get you materials to review virtually/electronically.
  5. Begin your volunteering journey at the North American Bear Center!

* You must be at least 18 years of age to apply.

Click Here to Apply

Questions about our about our volunteer program? Let us know!

Email your question to us at info@bear.org with the subject line “Q’s about Volunteer Program.” 

Here’s what our volunteer are saying

“Being a volunteer has been a very rewarding experience for me. The little short video clips that I’ve been recording for the Bear Center have proven to be a real plus with the supporters and we plan on continuing to do these video’s throughout the year. Volunteering for a great cause and meeting fantastic new friends in the process — It doesn’t get any better than that!” – Patrick – Duluth, MN

“Being a moderator on NABC’s pond chat is an honor and a wonderful way for me to give back from so far away.” – Marge – Dublin, Ireland

Help support the North American Bear Center

We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit that relies entirely on the support of visitors, merchandise sales and people like you. We do not receive any state or federal funding.

Help support our mission.

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